About Clarymond

About Clarymond

Clarymond Hardt is a certified EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Matrix Reimprinting and Mystic Shamanism practitioner.  She has studied yoga, meditation, nutrition, fasting, detoxing and wellness for over 20 years.

Having overcome her own fertility challenges through gently detoxing home and body and a combination of energy medicine addressing root and emotional causes, her mission is to help others “In-Power” themselves with the truth of our innate healing abilities.

Home birthing her son Rafael in 2008 was also an empowering — or “In-Powering” — life changing experience of reconnecting with “our goddess within.” And so began Clarymond’s new passion for honoring the powers of Mother Nature.

Along this healing journey Clarymond founded Mother Corps, a creative collective of offline masterminds and online healing resources.

Clarymond Hardt is also an award-winning photojournalist and writer /producer for network television.

In her spare time, Clarymond enjoys guiding independent studies for her spirited 15 year old son; hiking in nature with Teeka their 150 lb goofy dog-beast; cooking up healthy feasts with family and trying to motivate herself and them 😉 to start a veggie garden.

Please contact Clarymond for a FREE 20 minute discovery call to discuss what your goals are and get tips on how to you transform your life for the better.